Throwin' it back
Much of my inspiration comes from the greats of the mid-20th-century: Steve Martin, Bob Newhart, Lily Tomlin, Carol Burnett. They spent much of their careers working under restrictions like network standards and practices ... restrictions they could have seen as a cage, but instead made into a trellis. Not to say I won't work blue if a show or venue calls for it, but I'm always challenging myself to write a sharper joke, learn a new impression, or pull more glassware out of a white Tyvek Hazmat suit (see below).
My styles
Observational (example: Jim Gaffigan). The classic, bits-rooted-in-everyday-life tradition. Virtually comedian starts with this style, and nearly all keep some in their act, whatever else they branch out to.
Screwball/prop (example: Steve Martin) In one memorable show, I wore a hazmat suit up to the mic, and later pulled a bottle of gin, and bottle of vermouth, and barware out of it, and made a martini on stage. That'll teach you to watch your step coming out from the wings!
Character/one-person sketch (example: Bob Newhart) This differs from impressions in that the character is invented, not a well-known, real-life person. I've been a news anchor, a City Council candidate, and "Jodi from the Tourism Board."
Roasts: Roasting is a sub-set of insult comedy, which few comedians practice any more. Roasts, however, are alive and well. And so much fun.
Hosting/MC'ing: This 'air traffic controller of the stage' job might be my favorite role in comedy. Especially at open mics, where there's an extra crackle of energy in the air, an anything-can-happen vibe.
Highlights from one of my favorite shows, headlining at Silver Moon Brewing in Bend, Oregon.
My promise
Producers, I probably could have scrapped everything above and just said this: When you book me, I am always on time, sober, and prepared. Let's connect!